

Caralis takes care of all papers and procedures relating to cremation, in fact according to the regulation if the deceased had not joined a cremation association, will be the spouse or another relative to declare the will of the deceased to be cremated. After obtaining the authorization from the authorities, everything is ready to celebrate the funeral and finally to transport the body to the cemetery equipped for this service.

O.F. CARALIS s.a.s. - 09124 Cagliari
14, via Santa Margherita Tel. 070.652913/ 070652906 / 335.7459228
09134 Cagliari (Fronte Ospedale Brotzu)
13, via Peretti, Cagliari - Tel. 070.540102 339.4775327
P.I. 01394230922
sede legale in Via Santa Margherita, 14 Cagliari.